Ostereier: etwas mehr, als nur „bunt“
pic source: lecker.de |
EN: Every year we’re going to color eggs for easter holidays! Even if I’m a vegan, I like to decorate my little home with colorful fake eggs or little chickens. I mean, it’s easter time! My whole family has this tradition to color real eggs (of course those happy eggs from happy farm chickens). So what about an color update? Not the same procedure as every year, huh? I collected some inspirations for you and your family! Hope you like them!
P.s.: For all of you who wants some really personal eggs, try this little trick: stick a tissue on a A4 paper for your printer, right in the middle with some tape. Add some photos of you or your friends and family right in the middle of that paper. You can check the position in the preview section. Now print as usual. Afterwards subtract the upper layer, where the actual print was on, and cut the photo out. Use some glue to stick in on your egg and – é voila, a perfect personalized egg! In Germany we call it the „napkin-technique“, don’t know it this sounds familiar to you! In case you have some questions about it, feel free to ask!
This week you can expect more of easter stuff! I’ll show you some nice decoration tips, wrapping techniques and gift ideas too! Stay tuned to don’t miss a thing.
Easter is a good time, no doubt.
/ Avy